Rossana Bertini studied at the Francesco Morlacchi Conservatory in Perugia, where she graduated in opera singing. She then moved to New York, where she deepened her study of the Renaissance and Baroque repertoire, and was part of the Pomerium ensemble, directed by Alexander Blachly.
In addition to the polyphonic repertoire, she has interpreted many roles in opera and oratorial productions, such as La Clemenza di Tito by W.A.Mozart, L’Euridice by Jacopo Peri, Falstaff by Antonio Salieri, Poro by G.F.Handel, Atenaide by A.Vivaldi, La Serva Padrona and Livietta e Tracollo by G.B.Pergolesi, Telemachus by A. Scarlatti, The Celebrating Senna by A. Vivaldi, La Pace di Mercurio by A.Traetta, The Council of the Planets by T. Albinoni, Massimo Puppieno and The Fall of the Decemvirs by A. Scarlatti, Rosmira Fedele by A. Vivaldi.
She has performed with some of the most accredited masters specialists of the Baroque repertoire, such as Fabio Biondi, Alan Curtis, Enrico Gatti, Rinaldo Alessandrini, Roberto Gini, Gilbert Bezzina, Martin Gester, Gabriel Garrido, Fabio Bonizzoni, Federico Maria Sardelli, Diego Fasolis, in the United States of America, Japan, Israel, South America and everywhere in Europe: Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (New York), Concertgebouw (Amsterdam), Festival de Brugges, Oude Muziek (Utrecht), Wiener Konzerthaus, Berliner Konzerthaus, Innsbruck Festival, Salzburger Festspiele, Handel Festival in Gottingen and Halle, Kolner Philharmonie, Essen Philharmonie, Edinburgh Festival, National Academy of Santa Cecilia (Rome), Chigiana Music Academy (Siena), Theater de la Ville de Paris, Cité de la Musique (Paris), Chapelle Royale de Versailles, Opera de Nice, Opera de Montecarlo, Opera de Lyon, Quincena Musical (San Sebastian), Fundacio La Caixa (Barcelona), Femas (Se villa).
For several years she regularly worked with Concerto Italiano, under the direction of Rinaldo Alessandrini, and then, together with Claudio Cavina, she created La Venexiana.
During his long career she has made many recordings both as regards the madrigal repertoire with Monteverdi, Luzzaschi, Gesualdo, Marenzio, Frescobaldi, and as a soloist: the Euridice by J.Peri (Arts), Poro by Handel (Opus 111 ), La Maddalena by A. Scarlatti (Opus111), Humanity and Lucifer by A. Scarlatti (Opus 111), The Cantata for Christmas Eve by A. Scarlatti (Opus111), La Stravaganza by B: Marcello (Opus 111), the Cantatas for soprano and basso continuo by Vivaldi (Tactus), Rosmira Fedele by Vivaldi (Dynamic), the Chamber Duets by Agostino Steffani (Glossa), The Italian Duets by Handel (Cantus), the Arias for voice and guitar by Mauro Giuliani (Tactus); she has obtained several international awards and recognitions in the recording field, such as the Prix Cecilia, Deutsche Schallplattenkritik Preis, Gramophone Award, Vivaldi Prize of the Cini Foundation of Venice, Diapason d’Or, Gran Prix du Disque, Cannes Classical Award. He has also participated in numerous radio broadcasts for RAI, Radio France, WDR, ORF, BBC, RTSI
In 2008 she was one of the founding members of the Compagnia del Madrigale, a polyphonic ensemble with which she recorded madrigals on texts from the Orlando Furioso di Ariosto (Arcana), the Second, Third and Sixth book of the Madrigals a 5 and the Responsors for Holy Week in Carlo Gesualdo da Venosa (Glossa), the First Book of the Madrigals a 5 and the Fifth Book of the Madrigals a 6, both by Luca Marenzio (Glossa), Il Pianto della Madonna dedicated to sacred music by Claudio Monteverdi ( Glossa), The Vespers of the Beata Vergine di Monteverdi (Glossa), a collection of madrigals by Cipriano de Rore “Come, sweet Imeneo” (Glossa), Lagrime d’amante (Glossa) by Claudio Monteverdi. For its exceptional performances, the ensemble has been awarded prestigious international prizes, such as the Diapason d’or de l’année 2013, the Gramophone Award 2014, the Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik 2015 and the Choc de Classica for 2020.
Rossana Bertini has taught Renaissance and Baroque singing at the courses of Early Music in Urbino, Belluno, at the Academy of Music in Florence, at the San Felice Academy in Florence, at the Luigi Boccherini Higher Institute of Musical Studies in Lucca and in Pistoia Musica Ancient. He is currently lyric singing teacher at the Alta Valdera Music Academy (Peccioli – Pisa) and holds the Renaissance and Baroque singing workshop at the Music & Art Study Center in Florence.
For the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino 2019, she participated in the first staging in modern times of the “Intermedi della Pellegrina” (1589), under the direction of Federico Maria Sardelli, directed by Valentino Villa.